Jeans for Genes Day – Double Donation Day

Today is Double Donation Day! This means that any donations that you make for Jeans for Genes day will be doubled! Head to our webpage to donate to our campaign and double the impact you make today! Playing Our Part Sanokil will be taking part in Jeans for Genes day again this year to raise […]
A Message From Management:

“We’re really proud of what we’ve built and what we are continuing to build. Sanokil is still energetic, enthusiastic and excited for what’s to come! I would sincerely like to thank all our employees, clients and supplier partners, without these core people we would not exist.” Frank McKenna, Managing Director “The corporation has achieved a […]
Excellence in Workplace Training
Sanokil is a proud winner of the Excellence in Workplace Training award from Workplace Learning! We are honoured to contribute to the development and future of young people through our vocational education and training partnerships.