hygiene services

How You Can Save Water This Summer

Australia’s climate is known for extremes. We are accustomed to scorching heat waves as well as other extremes such as floods. Another aspect of Australia’s climate that has become a growing issue is due to the scarcity of water. Droughts are currently affecting large areas of Australia and scientists predict that severe droughts are going to become more frequent in the future.

Water conservation is something that we can all do to play our part in tackling the droughts that affect Australia. Particularly this time of year. Below we will explore the things you can do within your washrooms and other areas to help lower your water consumption.

Go Waterless

Recent advances in technology and hygiene solutions have allowed urinals to become waterless without having a detrimental effect on hygiene. Products such as our Urinal Eco-Mats are designed so that they can work in both waterless and flushing urinals. By going waterless you have the potential to save thousands of litres of water every year.

Check for Leaks

A dripping tap, which many people decide to ignore, can waste a massive 10,000 litres of water every year. That’s over 800 litres a month.

Water often slowly leaks from the cistern into the bowl meaning that the toilet is constantly using more water to keep the tank full – even when it’s not in use. One way you can test this is to put colouring into the tank and wait 30 minutes. Check the bowl and if the water has the colouring it means you have a leak.

As well as being a waste of water, leaks can cause serious structural damage and cause bills to spike – even if the leak seems small. You should check for signs of leaks by looking for water below sinks and at the base of toilets and taps. You should also keep an eye out for signs of  damage from water seeping through the walls or ceiling.

Install Water Saving Shower Heads and Tap Aerators

Installing water saving shower heads and tap aerators is a great way to save water at home and in the office. A aerator that reduces the flow of water can be perfect for kitchen, bathroom and other locations where a tap is located. Some aerators can save more than eight litres of water per minute.

Watch What You Flush Down the Toilet

Flushing cotton and other material that is not suited for the toilet can cause blockages in your plumbing. Wet wipes and sanitary items are a common culprit. Even when the toilet is not completely blocked, partial blockages to the plumbing can affect the ability of the toilet to flush properly. This results in more presses of the button to get the job done which unnecessarily wastes water.

Your bathroom users should have access to sanitary bins and other waste disposal solutions to minimise unsuitable material being flushed down the toilet.

Turn Off Taps

It seems like common sense, but many people leave the taps running in the bathroom and kitchen for unnecessary lengths of time. This is often when someone is washing dishes or brushing their teeth, but at work this can be in a number of situations. Make sure that your organisation incorporates a culture that minimises waste such as applying hand soap before running the tap.

Invest In Water Efficient Toilets

Water saving toilet systems are becoming the norm in Australia. But older units often still have systems that use an unnecessary amount of water to get the job done – some as much as 20 litres per flush. By switching to a modern toilet you can save over 55% of the water you would otherwise use. So if your toilets are outdated, consider replacing them with newer models.


The above are just a few examples of how you could save water in your workplace. The list could go one further to include things such as only using the dish washer when you have a full load and more. But its best to just use common sense. Water conservation does not mean that you have to use less water than you need. It means that you use water wisely. As well as benefiting the country, you will be able to cut the costs of your bills and minimise pollution to our waterways.

If you have any questions about our products or services, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Our customer service team are always happy to help.



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1. The free on loan dispensers will remain at all times the property of Sanokil.

2. The Customer will use these dispensers solely for the purposes of dispensing Livi® products supplied by Sanokil for a minimum period of 2 years.

3. The customer is required to place a minimum of one order every 3 months.

4. Should a breach of this agreement by the customer occur, the customer will either:

a) Return the dispensers to Sanokil and bear any costs incurred with removing and returning the dispensers to Sanokil, including returning the customers property (e.g. walls, benches) to its original condition.

b) Purchase the dispensers from Sanokil for the value specified above.

5. Sanokil will replace free of charge any dispensers which are faulty, unless these have been maliciously damaged after installation.

6. The customer (end-user) must personally sign the Dispenser Supply Agreement.