hygiene services

Pests in the Washroom

Making sure that your washrooms are free from pests is an important part of washroom maintenance. Your customers and staff expect a hygienic washroom when they use your facilities and anything less can result in a lowered perception of your business as a whole. Seeing pests around is one way that people jump to conclusions about the cleanliness of your site.

Below we will mention the five most common pests found in washrooms and how you can keep them out of your washrooms.


Cockroaches are often a problem in washrooms as they love water and humidity. Bathrooms often have leaky faucets and are usually the most humid areas of a building. They can even use drains as an entry point.


Humidity plays a role in the ability for silverfish to thrive in your washrooms. Most bathrooms also have the paper that they need to survive on in the form of toilet paper and hand towels.


Most people have had ants inside their building at one point in time. Contrary to popular belief, ants do not only eat sweet and sugary food. Inside your premises, they can also be drawn to fungus, other pests and even the silicon found in most bathrooms. Stagnant water is also known to draw ants.


Centipedes will make their way to the bathrooms once they get into a building as the moisture in these rooms provide the perfect environment for them to procreate and live. Because of this, centipede infestations can quickly grow and become a nuisance. Although they have the ability to bite humans they are generally considered to be safe.


Flies, specifically drain flies, live and breed in the drains in the washroom. They thrive in drains that are dirty and under-maintained.


Although not an ideal environment for spiders, the abundance of them in Australia mean that they are often found in the washroom. They will be able to survive on other pests that you have in your washroom.

What can you do about pests in the bathroom?

One of the best things you can do is invest in an insect control unit from Sanokil. The small device, which looks like an air freshener, is placed in your washroom and periodically treats the room with a natural and non-toxic insecticide. It does this without giving off a smell, using harmful chemicals or impacting the safety of the bathroom users. The devices are often used in and outside of the washroom with our customers including restaurants, gyms and offices.

Other actions that need to be undertaken to deter pests from entering the washroom include removing build-up and gunk from drains regularly, fixing any leaks in your plumbing and ventilating your washrooms to lower humidity.

If you would like to talk to one of our friendly sales representatives about our insect control units or any of our other services, give us a call on 1800 992 135. Alternatively, fill out our contact form. We’re happy to help.

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Terms and Conditions:

1. The free on loan dispensers will remain at all times the property of Sanokil.

2. The Customer will use these dispensers solely for the purposes of dispensing Livi® products supplied by Sanokil for a minimum period of 2 years.

3. The customer is required to place a minimum of one order every 3 months.

4. Should a breach of this agreement by the customer occur, the customer will either:

a) Return the dispensers to Sanokil and bear any costs incurred with removing and returning the dispensers to Sanokil, including returning the customers property (e.g. walls, benches) to its original condition.

b) Purchase the dispensers from Sanokil for the value specified above.

5. Sanokil will replace free of charge any dispensers which are faulty, unless these have been maliciously damaged after installation.

6. The customer (end-user) must personally sign the Dispenser Supply Agreement.