hygiene services

Pysect Control for Summer

Insect control in the workplace during the summer is especially important for several key reasons:

  1. Employee Comfort and Productivity: Summer’s warm weather attracts a variety of insects like flies, mosquitoes, and ants. Insect infestations can lead to discomfort and distractions for employees, ultimately affecting their productivity.
  2. Health and Safety: Some insects can pose health risks to employees. For example, mosquitoes can transmit diseases, and stings or bites from insects like bees and wasps can cause allergic reactions. Effective insect control is essential to protect employee health and safety.
  3. Preventing Allergies: Allergies to insect bites and stings can be a significant concern, and those who are allergic may require immediate medical attention. Preventing insect infestations is vital for reducing the risk of allergic reactions among employees.
  4. Professional Image: A clean and pest-free workplace maintains a professional image. Clients, customers, and visitors are more likely to have a positive impression of a business that is well-maintained and free from insects.
  5. Compliance with Regulations: Depending on the industry, there may be regulations and health codes that require businesses to maintain proper insect control. Failure to do so could result in legal issues and fines.

Insect control is vital in a workplace, for the health and comfort of your employees, keeping compliant, as well as the reputation and image of your company. By partnering with Sanokil for your pest control services this summer, businesses can ensure a clean, and safe work environment.

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Terms and Conditions:

1. The free on loan dispensers will remain at all times the property of Sanokil.

2. The Customer will use these dispensers solely for the purposes of dispensing Livi® products supplied by Sanokil for a minimum period of 2 years.

3. The customer is required to place a minimum of one order every 3 months.

4. Should a breach of this agreement by the customer occur, the customer will either:

a) Return the dispensers to Sanokil and bear any costs incurred with removing and returning the dispensers to Sanokil, including returning the customers property (e.g. walls, benches) to its original condition.

b) Purchase the dispensers from Sanokil for the value specified above.

5. Sanokil will replace free of charge any dispensers which are faulty, unless these have been maliciously damaged after installation.

6. The customer (end-user) must personally sign the Dispenser Supply Agreement.