Although Australia has had great success flattening the curve, the recent resurgence in cases across Australia shows that we must remain vigilant in our effort to stay COVID-19 safe. Until the majority of the population has been vaccinated we must continue to apply COVID-safe practices. The Australian government and many international bodies have released guidelines and best practices that help us stay covid safe. Below are a few key areas that are important.
Hygiene Practices
Practising good hand hygiene is the key to stopping the spread of COVID-19. Everyone in the community should be washing their hands as frequently as possible and if you do not have access to soap and water an alcoholic hand sanitiser is the next best thing. When sneezing or coughing you should do so into your arm or into a tissue that you then dispose of in the bin. Safe work Australia has signs and posters that you can put up in your workplace to help remind people to practice good hygiene.
Regular cleaning of your site is also important to remove germs and viruses that may be living on surfaces. Particular areas of concern are door handles and benches that are often touched by a large number of different people. By frequently wiping these down with sanitisers you can reduce the risk of somebody touching an infected surface and spreading the disease to themselves and others.
Hand Sanitisers
Hand sanitisers are a great tool for allowing people to quickly sanitise their hands. It is hassle free and dries quickly. Consider installing hand sanitisers to the wall in a high traffic area or investing in a hand sanitiser stand near the entry of your site. Hand sanitisers that are below 60% alcohol are not considered effective against the virus. Conversely, alcohols with too high a concentration are also ineffective as water is needed for them to work effectively. You should look for hand sanitisers containing around 70% such as those offered by Sanokil.
Your Washrooms
Your washrooms are a key area where you need to make sure that good hygiene practices are in place. This is because it is a small area often used by a large number of people all touching the same things. You need to make sure that your soap dispensers remain full and functional. You should also consider investing in further hygiene facilities such as hand sanitisers and toilet seat cleaners. All these can help reduce the ways in which the virus can spread. You should also consider making as many elements of your washrooms experience touch free. Whether through touch free sanitary bins or allowing the user to exit the bathroom without touching the door.
Sanokil can help you improve the hygiene of your workplace with our large array of hygiene services and products. Safework Australia also has information for small businesses, a resource kit and information about how to look after your vulnerable workers.